Are Candles Safe for Dogs?

At Plural Supply, our coconut wax candles are scented with only essential oils, and are safe for dogs to inhale. We’re dog owners ourselves, and our candles have been burnt in many pet-friendly environments and pet homes without any issue. Here’s how we keep our canine companions safe when lighting candles.

A brown dog laying next to a scented candle.

Many people are concerned with the health and safety of dogs around candles, as some candle ingredients can be toxic to dogs, including paraffin wax, synthetic fragrances and essential oils.

Thankfully, most of the medical advice against exposing dogs to essential oils are based on ingestion and direct skin contact. When we burn candles, we release only small quantities of essential oils into the air — which are in much lower concentrations than applying pure essential oils directly to your pets’ skin.

Keep an eye out when lighting new candles around dogs

If you’re burning a new scent around your dog, we recommend keeping an eye out for any adverse reactions. Just like human beings, some dogs are more sensitive to certain smells!

A brown dog laying beside a scented candle.

Size plays a role too. A small dog and a big dog will have different levels of tolerance towards the same concentration of essential oil in the air.

The first sign of a dog inhaling too much of an essential oil is sneezing. If you notice your dog sneezing, coughing, itching relentlessly, wheezing or excessively watery eyes, it could be an allergic reaction to a candle. When that happens, snuff out the candle immediately and ventilate your space well. If symptoms persist, bring your dog to see a vet. 

Ensure good airflow

Burn the candle in an open space to ensure good airflow throughout the room, especially if the room is small. This prevents a build up of essential oil in the air where dogs are present.

Don’t keep your candle burning for too long either — snuff it out within 4 hours of burning.

Keep candles out of reach

Keep the candle out of any pets’ reach at all times, whether the candle is lit or unlit.

When the candle is unlit, make sure the jar is well covered. This prevents your dog from getting to the wax and eating it!

Take precautions if your dog has existing conditions

If you know that your dog has existing health conditions, like breathing difficulties or breathing impairments, stay on the safe side and limit their exposure to candles.

Light candles with your pet in a separate room, or burn it in an enclosed space for a shorter period of time.

Have more questions about our candles? We’re here to help. Drop us an email at or a DM on Instagram.

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